Welcome to the troubleshooting corner. We have organised the various problems by section, so hopefully you can see your problem listed in the Contents. If not, have a search through and if you're truly hardcore just start at the top and read through the lot.
We tried to be complete but if you have a problem not listed here please send an email to
Video problems
This is for any issues with the video playback on the screen.
Video stalls or ends with an error.
This can indicate that you don't have enough Internet speed or have an intermittent connection.
- Check your wifi and ISP is functioning properly.
- We get our videos from YouTube so depending on where you are in the world certain videos may be slower to access.
- Try reducing the quality of the videos in the Settings menu.
This can also happen on underpowered devices, for example some older or cheaper Android TVs. We are working to improve our performance on these devices but if the problem persists please use a more powerful device.
I'm getting lots of big delays with just rainbows flying.
This means that your video is not loading fast enough which indicates that your Internet may not be sufficient.
- Check your Internet speed and wifi connection is working.
- Check that you can access and play videos on YouTube - It's where we get our videos from. However please note that even if the YouTube official player works, PIXI.FM may still have difficulty loading videos. Unlike the official YouTube player, we don't get access to their dynamic streaming so our performance is always worse.
- Try reducing the quality of videos in the Settings menu.
The video I wanted to play did not play, the error said it was not available
These errors are usually caused when a video has been removed by its owner.
Videos come and go all the time based on record label decisions. So a video that was available last week may vanish suddenly. We're not happy about it but this is how the industry is.
Our systems will respond to these errors by scanning for a replacement or removing the clip, so you can always try back in a week or so.
I went on holiday [lol] and can't get the video I got before
Video availability varies depending on which country you are in. If you travel you may find that you cannot access certain videos, or that a different video is played. It's really annoying and we hope that one day the industry moves towards a more global approach to music availability.
Remote Control problems
This is for any issues using your smartphone to remote control a PIXI.FM screen. We cannot fix your TV remote control.
My screen does not show up in the Remote Control section
Coming soon.
I typed in a number and got an Invalid Code
Coming soon.